What Causes stomach pain in children?

Atrayee De
April 24, 2017
Views : 4638
What Causes stomach pain in children?

When a toddler has say a stomach ache, it can be either some casual pain or it could also be something which is worrisome for both the child as well as the parent. The Stomach pain can be caused by the anxiety, an infection, or even because of the overeating. You can usually tell that your child is having the stomach pains if his or her stomach is quite swollen or she keeps pulling her legs up close to his or her chest.

Assessing the cause of the stomach ache

Find the actual cause of his or her stomach ache. Stomach aches can be linked to the different foods and drinks, such as ones that could cause gas or bloating, the excess consumption of the acidic fruits, allergy related to the conditions such as the celiac disease, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach flu, diarrhoea, even food poisoning, strained abdominal muscles, constipation and also indigestion. Determine the amount of the food that your child has consumed during the recent meals, as she might have overeaten. You should also check for the other symptoms, such as a fever, diarrhoea or even vomiting.

Assess the danger

Assess the danger. The stomach aches can be a result of the consumption of a dangerous substance, such as say a chemical, medicine or even tablet. If your child has consumed a non-edible item or even a liquid, call your doctor immediately. You may also have to call for an ambulance, in cases of emergencies. If you child has been down the grandpa's allotment and gorged on barely the ripe raspberries, let nature take its course.

Check for all other symptoms

Check for all the other symptoms. A stomach ache may only be one of the symptoms that appears in your child. Others could include the constipation, vomiting, Diarrhoea or even suffering from a high fever. Take your child's temperature, and then call his or her doctor or a local nurse line for advice. Note that most hospitals have a free nurse line sometimes, but they normally direct you to the hospital or say to a doctor's office.

Give your child the suitable medicine.

You can purchase also some of the over-the-counter stomach ache medication made specifically for the children. Ask the pharmacist for some of his or her advice. Give her the correct dosage based on his or her age and also weight, and be sure to follow the instructions printed on the medication. Check to ensure that it does not contain any of the ingredients that your child may be allergic to.

Allow your child to rest.

Instruct him or her to lie down on her side. Encourage him or her to rest in order to allow her body to recover from the pain. You can also allow him or her to press a pillow against her stomach. If need be, to lie down beside her and then gently rub his or her stomach.

Home Remedies for Stomach-ache in Children

A stomach ache is quite an unpleasant experience for the baby. Fortunately, there are a few home remedies for the stomach-ache in the children which will might be of great help to soothe your little one.


Give yogurt as a snack to your child. Yogurt is a great neutralizer of the stomach cramps and also the diarrhoea. If your baby's stomach ache is associated with the diarrhoea, then the good bacteria which help to quite balance the nutrient intake in his or her stomach and the intestines are constantly being lost. Yogurt contains the bacterial cultures which are just as healthy and as effective. The good bacteria from the yogurt will actually replace those lost from your child's body. They will also help to restore the balance, allowing the body to take in the nutrients rather than expelling it so frequently.

Soothing Foods

Give your child the bland foods in small amounts during his stomach pain. These can include such things as the yogurt, rice, applesauce and even the toast. He or she may not have much of an appetite. Avoid giving him or her the greasy foods or anything that is too spicy in nature as these tend to be harder for them to digest. These harsh foods are likely to irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and in turn result in the vomiting or even the diarrhoea. On the other hand, the bland foods are much more soothing for the stomach and are also easily digested. You should also to scrap serving certain amounts of the fruits and berries such as the cherries, raspberries and the apricots when your baby who is having stomach pains. They can be difficult to digest when her little digestive system isn't doing that well. These should be pureed instead for the children under four years old. The children older than four should be having about one cup.

Chamomile Tea

A cup of chamomile tea can be also effective in soothing the stomach cramps. Chamomile is a natural sedative and also an anti-inflammatory. It will help to relax the muscles of the abdomen and also ease the overall cramping.


Honey is a smooth combination of the antioxidants, sugars and also the carbohydrates. It is however not recommended for the children younger than 1 year old because of the risk of having the botulism. You may either make some tea for your toddler using say a small amount of the honey with some warm water or even you could give him or her a spoon of room-temperature honey.

Warm Compression

Warm compression is also one of the simplest yet helpful home remedies for the stomach-ache in the children. Apply heat such as with say a hot water bottle to your child's abdomen. This will serve to increase the blood flow to the surface of the skin, this simultaneously is also responsible for masking the feeling of the pain in the stomach.

Outdoor Activities

One proven non-scientific way to help with any form of the constipation related to stomach discomfort is to have your child go to the outdoors and get some physical activities. Some effective activities include the moderate running, walking, playing say an active game. These actions help to quite stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. You should warn him about the activities that may be too stressful on the stomach such as the twisting or even the cartwheeling.

Foot Reflexology

Special techniques can be applied to the several nerves in the feet and also hands that will have a sort of a calming effect on particular areas of the body. This belief proposes that the stomach area coincides with the central arch of the left foot. You can also help your child to relax by taking his or her left foot in the palm of your right hand and then while supporting the ball of his foot in your right hand, applying say a steady pressure with your thumb.


Ginger will also naturally soothe the stomach worries. It is effectively used for the motion sickness and the nausea that accompanies the pregnancy. Grate a small amount of the ginger into some warm water and let it stand for say a few minutes. Please note that the ginger is not recommended for the children younger than 2 years old.

Mint and Lemon

Mint and lemon are the natural soothers which are luckily are great for all ages. Mint will help to ease and then quickly stop your toddler's pain. Mint is also effective in removing all the harmful bacteria from the digestive system.

Lemon helps to actually combat the constipation and is just as helpful in soothing the stomach pain. Drinking a small amount of the lemon juice every morning can actually promote greater production of the bile which means a lot healthier digestive system. Consider making a tea with a few mint leaves and say a slice of lemon to help ease the stomach ache.

When to go and see a doctor?

It is wise to contact your doctor when it is obvious that the aforementioned home remedies for the stomach-ache fail and the pain is growing worse with time. If you notice any one or more of the following signs, you should always get in touch with your doctor immediately:

  • Your child is becoming hesitant to move or even stand up straight
  • He will not allow you to say touch his belly, even when you touch it gently
  • Stomach pain when accompanied by high fever
  • The presence of the blood or pus in his stool
  • Vomiting of what appears to be somewhat yellow substances or even blood
  • A stiff swollen abdomen which quite sticks out more than usual
  • Pain during the time urination
  • The presence of the pus or blood in urine

Some Recommended Homeopathic Medications

Apart from the aforementioned home remedies, you could also try the listed below, homeopathi medications. But always consult your doctor before taking any of these medications :

Atrayee De

Atrayee De

Hello everyone, I am a law student, I love reading, researching and singing. Apart from these I also love to dress up, and stay updated with the on going fashion and beauty trends of the glamour industry!

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