Good Health Right From Your Kitchen Garden (Part 2)

Gunjan Lal
August 23, 2016
Views : 1547
Good Health Right From Your Kitchen Garden (Part 2)

There are so many foods that have crazy health benefits which you can easily grow in your kitchen garden that I just couldn't stop myself from writing more about it. So here it is, the continued list of healthy vegetables that you can grow in your kitchen garden.



The wonderful health benefits of lemongrass include relief from insomnia, stomach disorders, respiratory disorders, infections, fevers, rheumatism, aches, and edema. The amazing antioxidant activity of this herb protects you and your family against Staphylococcus aureus (it is the ability of your body which makes you resistant to antibiotics) and helps in maintaining your cholesterol levels, nervous system, cellular health, healthy skin and immune system. It can also serve as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes, obesity, and even some types of cancer, while also aiding in detoxification. Lemongrass is used extensively in aromatherapy and helps to fight against fatigue, anxiety and also body odor!

Lemongrass is a stupendous aromatic storehouse of vital nutrients that provide a wide array of health benefits. It is a source of vital vitamins like vitamin A, B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 (that is thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine), folate as well as vitamin C. It also is a source of vital minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, copper, iron, and zinc which are very important for the healthy functioning of your body. The best thing about lemongrass is that it offers no harmful fats or cholesterol.

Lemongrass also contains flavonoids, antioxidants, and phenolic compounds like luteolin, quercetin, kaempferol, glycosides, elimicin, chlorogenic acid, catecol, and caffeic acid, all these complicated sounding compounds help in providing a wide range of medicinal aids. The main component of lemongrass is citral or lemonal, which contains antimicrobial and anti-fungal qualities, and also provide lemongrass its distinct lemony smell.

Detoxification helps in enhancing the regulation of the various organs of in your body, such as the liver and kidney and also assists in lowering the levels of uric acid. Lemongrass helps in flushing and cleansing harmful toxic wastes out of your body with the help of its diuretic properties. The diuretic effect of lemongrass assists in increasing the frequency and quantity of urination, which helps in preserving digestive health, assisting in maintaining a clean system and eliminating accrued fats. My favorite way to use lemongrass is to crush a few long leaves while making a cup of tea.


Half of you guys might not like green chilies or Indian green chili and the other half of you might LOVE it. I belong to the group of people who love them, I love having raw green chili with my meals, I even love to chop it up and cook it with Maggie! For all you guys who don't like it, consider this- green chilies are full of anti-oxidants. They protect your body against free radicals and act as natural scavengers, and can reduce the risk of cancer as well as keep you young by slowing down the aging process.

Green Chilies contain Vitamin C which helps in opening up your nostrils and smoothing the respiratory system. It lends a helping hand to your immune system by building a strong defense against infections and diseases. Did you know that having spicy food can actually give you great skin? That right, green Chilly is rich in Vitamin E which is good for skin and has the ability to produce natural oils required for a glowing skin.

This benefit of green chili is going you make you love it even more- green chilies have absolutely no calories. This means you can have green chilies even when you're on a diet.

Green Chilly had an extremely good benefit especially for men, it helps in preventing your body from Prostate Cancer which is a very common kind of cancer among men. Indian Green Chilly can also give assistance to balancing your blood sugar levels, which means if you are diabetic or anyone in your family is diabetic then it's a must have in your kitchen garden!

Green Chilies are superb for digestion, and the credit goes to the rich fibers that they possess. Contrary to popular belief, Green Chilies are actually good for your digestive system, but obviously not good when you have it in excess. These flavorsome Chilies release endorphins into your brain that keeps you happy and upbeat. Green chilies being a natural source of Iron are great for people who suffer from the deficiency of iron (fairly common with Indian women). So I hope after reading this you're convinced that green chilies are a good thing and if you disliked them till now, you would try to include green chilies in your diet.


Radish is one of the most beloved part of your salad, isn't it? It is a root crop like carrots, and it is often sweet or pungent in taste is very juicy. Radishes can either be white, purple, red or black and in terms of shape, they can be long or cylindrical or round. You can just munch it raw, or cook it or make its pickle. Did you know that the oil obtained from radish seeds is also used in various products and is beneficial for your health? I didn't.

Radishes are really good for your liver and stomach, and they act as a powerful detoxifier too, purifying the blood and eliminating waste and toxins. They are extremely useful in the treatment of jaundice as it removes bilirubin and also maintains its production at a stable level.

We all get into the 'gotta lose some weight' phase every once a while. Radishes can be very filling, which mean that they appease hunger without running up your calorie count. They are low in digestible carbohydrates, very high in roughage as well as contain a lot of water, making radishes an awesome dietary option growing right in your backyard or garden kitchen during the times when you are determined to lose weight.

Additionally, radishes are low on the glycemic index and high in fiber, which means that they help in maintaining regular bowel movements, which assists in weight loss and increases the efficiency of the metabolism for almost all your bodily processes.

It also good for diabetic people as it helps in regulating the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream. This means that diabetics don't have to worry much about sudden spikes or drops in sugar levels if they consume radish on a regular basis.



Beetroots or Beets, whatever you wish to call them, are quite frequently used as an ingredient in making salads, soups, even pickles and are also used as a natural coloring agent because of their lovely deep red color. Though beetroots are available all year round, they are still considered as a seasonal vegetable. Apart from their use as an actual food item, beetroots are valuable a source of sucrose, which makes them a feasible replacement for tropical sugar cane.

The history of beetroots stretches back to ancient times! And the earliest signs of its cultivation were almost four thousand years ago! Fascinating fact, but I know you won't make your mind to grow this plant your kitchen garden depending upon this fact. So here are the reasons why you should plant beetroots in your kitchen garden.

The health benefits of beetroots include the treatment of indigestion, anemia, constipation, kidney disorders, piles, dandruff, cancer, gall bladder disorders, and heart disease. It also helps in preventing macular degeneration, improves your blood circulation, prevent cataracts, aid in skin care, and ease respiratory problems. These awesome health benefits of beetroots can be credited to their richness in vitamins, minerals, and various nutrients.

Beetroots have a wide range of beneficial perks for your health because of their nutritional content which includes not only vitamins, minerals, but also organic compounds such as carotenoids, glycine, betaine, lutein/zeaxanthin, dietary fiber, vitamin C, iron, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus, while also being a good source of beneficial flavonoids known as anthocyanins.

Vitamin A is considered as a powerful antioxidant substance which is involved in a lot of essential activities in your body. They are low in calories and have no cholesterol, but they also have the highest sugar content of all vegetables so diabetic people might want to steer clear of it.

The presence of a form of vitamin A known as beta-carotene helps to prevent blindness due to age a.k.a cataracts as well as a reduction in macular degeneration which commonly occurs as we get older.



This herb is known for its three major 'anti' properties, namely, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Besides that it is widely used in home remedies for influenza, cold & cough. Have you ever felt the excruciating pain in your ear that almost paralyzes a part of your face? Garlic can help you reduce that terrible pain.

Garlic contains essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, and iron. Traces of other minerals such as iodine, sulfur, and chlorine is also found in garlic.

Did you know that during world war one medical personnel used garlic juice for its antiseptic health benefits for treating war wounds in soldiers? Other health benefits of garlic are innumerable. Apart from being beneficial for cold and cough it helps you to fight heart ailments, diabetes, acne, intestinal troubles, asthma and lowers blood pressure.

Garlic is highly effective when eaten raw (either crushed or chopped). Just one clove in a day can bring great transformation in your overall health.


The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear about ginger is the blissful feeling that comes when I sip ginger tea in winters, especially when I have a sore throat. Ginger possesses a natural anti-inflammatory property known as 'gingerol' which is helpful in reducing muscle soreness which is common after exercise and sports.

In Ayurveda, this herb is used for its various advantages. It is used to treat digestive problems and morning sickness. Ginger tea is a good source of essential minerals and vitamins such as calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins B6, C, and D. It also carries antiparasitic, antibacterial and antiviral benefits.

It is well known for its numerous health benefits, such as its ability to increase your appetite, boost bone health, prevent various types of cancer, strengthen your immune system, improve respiratory conditions, and aid in proper digestion. It is also beneficial for eliminating the symptoms of arthritis, reducing excess gas, enhance sexual activity, and relieve pains related to menstrual disorders, flu, and nausea.


bitter ground

Bitter gourd or bitter melon or Karela, yes it tastes awful but hey, you've got to include it in your meals because it has got crazy health benefits! One among the most well-known perks of Karela is its ability to help manage diabetes, it is an absolute boon for people suffering from diabetes. It also prevents and reduces the symptoms of cancer, reduces the effects of hemorrhoids, improves respiratory your health, along with improving your skin's health, and boosting your immune system.

It has been proven that bitter gourd contains anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antifungal, anti-allergenic, antiviral, expectorant, and anti-parasitic qualities. These are only some reasons why bitter gourd is a staple vegetable among a number of cultural cuisines (including India) across the world.

Not just that, bitter gourd is also a great source of various different antioxidants, making it a powerful defense building mechanism against all sorts of illness. Antioxidants scavenge your body for free radicals which basically are dangerous compounds which are released during cell metabolism and can cause any kind of illnesses. By adding bitter gourd to your diet, you will surely improve your body's chances of defending you against a lot of serious diseases, including heart attacks, kidney damage, as well as liver failure.


Iceberg lettuce, yet another one of my favorite constituents in salads, it is known for its crunchy texture. Iceberg lettuce is an amazing source of manganese and potassium as well as an excellent source of iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous. It also contains traces of sodium, zinc, and copper. Iceberg lettuce is a superb source of many essential vitamins such as vitamin A, K, and C along with being a good source of vitamin B6, thiamin, and folate (or vitamin B).

Iceberg lettuce consists of fourteen calories per 100 grams and is quite low in sodium. It mainly contains a good amount of water and dietary fiber which makes it good to include in your salad if you're planning on going on a salad fast. It is very low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

It is a rich source of vitamin A which is an essential vitamin that promotes healthy eyes, growth and development of your bones and strengthening your immune system.

Gunjan Lal

Gunjan Lal

Hi! I’m Gunjan, a self-proclaimed tea fanatic and intrigued with alternative ways to lead a healthy life. I firmly believe that we should take care of our bodies because it’s the only place we live in.

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